

If I could stop the world and bask in your aura, it would be everything to me. All that is you, beyond my view ...

In thee exact moment in which the world would stop, we would run ... As fast as we could until we reached OUR Nirvana .

Yet truthfully, you're my Paradise, my escape, my wonder wall, myyyyyy Nirvana.

- and


This morning my mind seems to be anywhere but here, while my body is wishing it was anywhere but here all at the same time. I don't know if it's because I didn't have my coffee at my regulated time or the lack of time taken in getting ready for work this morning - I just kinda rolled out of bed.
I'm never really sure why I feel this particular way when I do. Which is often. Though, more often than not I conclude these reasons after the mood is gone, it always seems to be something different, yet similar to past experiences.



In retrospect I can say that I cared too much, tried too hard and possibly pushed too soon. But what do you do when infatuated? I can't just sit back and watch such a treasure slip through my fingers as sand would an hourglass. But, yet again, in retrospect I can say that I was blind. What you want isn't for everybody, and what may work for the next person is more than likely not the best thing for you. But, how does one differentiate the two? It's hard enough comparing your wants and needs as is.
I wish everything could be like weed: DEFINITELY good for your mind, body and soul.


Coincidence? I think not.

Everything happens for a reason.
Today I decided to leave for work a little earlier than usual to grab some cigarettes. In doing so, I found myself in the presence of a woman who had fallen on hard times. I gave her a few ciggs for the day and we proceeded to converse, and our conversation was rather interesting. Here's what I gathered.
People are who they are. It is not in our power to change these people. It is, however in our power to either allow them into our lives, or let them go on their separate paths.
Look at the people around you and ask yourself, "Do you deserve to be a part of my life?" Assess and adapt.


Tension amidst my shoulder blades has reached an insurmountable peak.
Thoughts ricochet off the walls of my mind, creating an echo in silence.
Emotions scramble. Scurrying from the shadows of my mind as they attempt to phase them out.
Ignorant, is the heartless man.
Blind, is the heart with no mind.

Days like this intoxicate me with your memory.
Our conversation dissipates as you dip in and out of sleep. It seems as though the doctor's prescription of two a day didn't suffice for your addictive personality. But still, I sit. Recognizing that your spirit coupled with your physical beauty was a blessing for my family and I. I used to wonder what I'd do if ever I were without you, and the answer still isn't clear.