

For a long time I felt as though I was doing something wrong by being myself. I mean, all I ever do is be me, that is what we are supposed to be. However, not until recently did I come to terms with the understanding that not everyone will appreciate you for who you are. I had no idea such a thing was possible.
It never occurred to me that speaking my mind would be such a big deal. Although, in fact, it is true that humans are not built to endure the truth. I have seen and heard in many a time and many a place, that "the truth can cause pain, but a lie can heal all." Though this seem to stand as a plausible reason to tell a lie, I for one see it as an excuse. How many times have you personally heard the, "I just want somebody to keep it real with me at all times" spiel? Enough times to repeat verbatim to your grandchildren's grandchildren, no? I thought so. The problem with that is, people just CANNOT handle the truth.
Throughout my life I have been judged, ridiculed, and set aside because of this and or that reason, so, I make it a point to never judge a person, and see things from every which angle possible. This allows me to keep it real. Need further explanation? I got ya.
Keeping it real goes far beyond a saying. Keeping it real is when you have the ability to step outside a situation, even one that you are in, to see things from both sides of the game and give thee most logical and realistic answer possible. Whether that be from experience, or simply being hip to the game. Keeping it real is speaking your mind without worry of how it may be taken, because your every word expresses how you truly feel; nothing more, nothing less. Keeping it real, is just keeping it fucking real yo. Telling the truth without giving a shit how it make somebody feel, because after all, they asked for it. Right? Keeping it real is a way of life. However, keeping it real can, and will go wrong, on many occasions. Why, you ask? Because, once again, people can't handle the truth.
Reflect for a moment, if you will. Have you ever been asked a question to be answered honestly, but been afraid, or worried, if you will, to give your honest opinion in answer so as not to hurt a persons feelings? Sucks doesn't it? THIS is the problem. When someone asks you for your honest opinion, it is not YOUR problem if they are offended by your answer, that is there problem. More than likely, this person is bothered by your response because they themselves recognize it as the truth they have been running and or hiding from. Now, should you feel bad for hurting or offending someone you love or care for? I would not blame you. However, think about this for a second. If these are people that you love and or care for, you would figure that they know you well enough to recognize that your words were not meant to be taken as anything short of what they asked for. Truth. Honesty. Unfortunately, you will not be able to appease or soothe everyone into your understanding, which is why being a realist is important when it comes to keeping it real.
Realism is often overlooked as  factor in everyday life. But, how can you be worldly if you are not? To me it seems to have been made clear that people will never be happy until they can grasp this concept. If we took the time to really look at things from every angle possible, we would be able to think, and politic over what seem to controversial or touchy subjects. We would ALL have the capacity to respect one another's opinions to the point of curiosity. Don't you see? Curiosity is why we are all here as Americans today. We are able capable of thought, but few of us exercise it.
Think my good people. We are all greater than the  negativity we think we each intend for one another.


  1. "speaking your mind without worry of how it would be taken, because your every word expresses how you truly feel." I like that. Real shit.
